Illustration by Elizabeth Vasquez. Captain America wants you to register to vote by October 24th
Countless Options to register to Vote
Whether you plan on to vote in person on Nov. 8. or if you would like to have your ballot mailed, there are several ways that you can register to vote for this election season.
Here are some things you will need if you are registering for the first time: your driver’s license and/or your identification card number, the last digits of your social security number and your date of birth.
Additional requirements to vote are being at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen and a resident of the state you are registering in. The deadline for signing up for a mail in ballot is Nov. 1.
To register online in California go to registertovote.ca.gov and follow the instructions there. To register in person here at Stanislaus County, you can go to the Elections Division at 1021 I Street, Suite 101, Modesto, CA 95354 to get a voter registration form.
Forms are also available at:
Post officesDepartment of Motor Vehicles (DMV) officesCity Clerk officesPublic librariesChambers of CommerceHigh schools
California State University of Stanislaus (Stan State) students can also register to vote through their mycsustan account. Stan State students can log into their account and click on the register to vote link and be taken to www.registertovote.ca.gov
Voters can also register to vote through text message and Facebook messenger. The nonprofit organization Fight for the Future has developed HelloVote, a chat box that can register people to vote in 10 messages.
HelloVote asks the participant a series of questions and then asks them to verify their information. If further paperwork is needed the organization makes sure the participant receives it in the mail. You can text HELLO to 384-387 to start this process. For more info go to www.hello.vote
In addition the websites, savetheday.vote, rockthevote.com and voteyourfuture.us/register-to-vote provide services that allow people to register to vote.
Registration takes less that 10 minutes in most cases and is essential to the voting process. Make sure to register to vote before Monday Oct. 24. and make time on Nov. 8. to go out and vote.
To check if you are registered to vote you can go to voterstatus.sos.ca.gov or you can contact your county elections office. To contact the Stanislaus elections office you can call or email Lee Lundrigan the County Clerk-Recorder. He can be contacted at (209) 525-5200 from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. or emailed at [email protected].
For more info on the Stanislaus elections office go to stanvote.com.