CSU Stanislaus has more than 60 student organizations that each house communities of like-minded individuals. In this video, students share why they joined clubs and how those opportunities enriched their educational experience as well as their lives in general.
The Coordinator of Student Organizations, Julie Anaya, says, “People don’t join organizations. People join people.” This sentiment rings true as students give insight to their connections with clubs on campus.
Braxton Mason of Omega Nu Omega shares that he came to Stanislaus State from the East Coast. When searching for a club or organization to join, he was not just looking for a way to pass time, he was looking for family.
Monica Ramirez, a member of Phi Lambda Rho, shares that she joined the organization as it was an opportunity to make friends on campus.
Aside from sororities and fraternities, there are also interest-based clubs. Dominic Guitierrez Morales joined the gaming club and math club, finding a sense of belonging and scholastic camaraderie on campus.
In all, student clubs and organizations prove to be a source of community, support, and enrichment for participants.
To learn more about ways to connect with fellow Warriors visit the Stanislaus State page for Student Leadership, Engagement, and Belonging or stop by Vasché Library, L203.