As spring approaches, people start to turn to outdoor activities to escape from hibernation. For those looking for something to do that is cheap and active to help break out of “winter shell syndrome,” fishing is your answer.
Fishing has always proved successful in relieving stress and it is also an activity anyone can participate in. Turlock Lake is a local fishing spot which provides fishing that is close, cheap and fun.
Turlock Lake is about a thirty minute drive from California State University, Stanislaus at 22600 Lake Road La Grange, CA 95329. This beautiful 35 hundred acre reservoir is an escape from reality that offers camping, fishing, picnicking and all the swimming a person can handle. It is also a great fishery for trout.
“I have come out to this exact spot and caught so many fish in the past,” Louis Shupp, Modesto resident said. “I dream about this time of year because the fishing is so great.”
Turlock Lake holds planted trout, which are delivered from local hatcheries. Many local lakes hold planter trout that are raised in hatcheries (fish farms) and are released in different places all over the state. This form of fish conservation provides a large amount of fish in local lakes, which makes fishing successful even for beginners.
To catch more fish, one bait reigns superior. Worms, or night crawlers, are the most common bait and there is only one reason why. It’s not because they are easy to use, but because they produce fish.
If you are using worms, Power-Bait, or salmon eggs at Turlock Lake your chances of catching fish is very good!
“I come out here to Turlock Lake a lot because I live so close,” John Searls, Modesto resident said. “I usually do well on night crawlers and salmon eggs.”
Before you can get in on the fishing action there are a few steps needed to be followed.
The first step is getting a state fishing license. A California two day license is $22.94 dollars. A full season resident sport fishing license is only $45.93 dollars. Licences can be purchased at most liquor and sporting goods stores, including Wal-Mart.
Setting up a fishing pole is the next simple step. Any old pole will work as long as you attach a reel and add line. Then tying a hook on your line and attaching a worm finishes the preparation. There are many good tutorials on YouTube showing how to do this.
Fishing can be challenging, but once you get the hang of it you will find what you are looking for. Remember that any day fishing is better than a day working. So set up your pole, grab your worms and get outdoors. You’ll shed your shell sooner than you’d think.
To access the recreation areas day use is a $10 fee. To launch a boat, it is an additional $6. If you just want to fish though, you can drive to the east end of the lake where parking and fishing is free. Operating hours are from 8 a.m. to sunset, but the fishing is best recommended at first light.
Turlock Lake offers a beautiful camping area with an overnight fee of only $30. This luxurious campground allows pets as well as alcohol, which differs from other lakes. There are showers available and campfires are allowed in designated areas.
“We have been working for the past few weeks to de-winterize the park. Louise Rhinevault, Turlock Lake Area Manager for American Land and Leisure said. “Come on out. The park is lush and green this time of year and ready for campers.”