As the semester hits its halfway point and students are anxiously waiting for Spring Break to begin, it appears that some California State University, Stanislaus students find it acceptable to exhibit rude behavior in the classroom and it’s starting to bug more than just the professors.
As a full-time employee and student, time and money are very valuable and it is hard not to get frustrated when fellow students don’t respect the classroom. Listed below are the top three most annoying and rude behaviors seen on campus.
1. The know-it-all
Nothing is more frustrating than paying thousands of dollars to learn from professionals and instead having to listen to 20 minutes of a student’s selfish rant. It’s nice to hear a student bring in real life experiences to enhance the lesson, but when it turns into a second lecture fellow classmates mentally check out and only grow frustrated with the culprit.
2. The “I don’t get it” student
Be prepared for class discussion! When a student goes on and on about not understanding a portion of the lesson, proper etiquette would be to get that additional aid outside of class. Asking for clarity about a portion of the lesson is one thing, but being unprepared for a college level discussion that requires depth is a waste of the professor and other classmates’ time.
3. The unreliable group
Professors incorporate group projects because it is supposed to give students a taste of group work in the work world. The hard part is when a group member is super unreliable and takes advantage of other students who care about their grade. If the overall grade of the project is good, the unreliable student is still likely to get at least a C.
At work however, those who do not pull their own weight typically get punished far worse than a bad letter grade.
Students should come back from Spring Break a little more grateful for the opportunity to attend CSU Stanislaus. It is easy to forget that not everyone gets a college education. CSU Stanislaus is lucky to have small class sizes that allow for one-on-one attention. It’s our job as students to show this appreciation as well as dedication to success in the classroom.