Welcome back students of California State University, Stanislaus. With seven weeks left, including finals week, there is no reason to give up now.
The 16-week semester may seem long and drawn out, but the last thing you want to do now is let “spring fever” kick in. It is time to wipe the dust off those textbooks and get back to focusing on studies rather than sleeping off that hangover.
As much as we all love spring break, the absolute worst part of the week is coming back to reality after the seven days of slumber and couch surfing. What better way to cap your inebriated and debauched vacation than with an exam the week you come back?
If you’re having a difficult time finding motivation to finish the semester off strong, remember that you are more than halfway done. More than likely, your midterms are already over with. If you are able to hold off on taking “midnight shots” until after finals week there is no reason any CSU Stanislaus student should not finish the semester off strong.
Try to make the first day back a catch-up day. Take a few minutes to review some notes you took two weeks ago and double check your CSU Stanislaus email account to see if your professor placed any important documents in your inbox. This is not fun, but you will be thanking yourself when your next exam comes to pass.
Wait to reminisce about your most previous excursion and hold off planning your next one until after you step outside of the classroom.
The last thing any student wants to do is miss the answer to the extra credit question while dreaming about the waves crashing on the shore at Cabo San Lucas.
Don’t be afraid to make a few changes to your daily routine. Try studying at 7 a.m. when the mind is fresh rather than midnight when it’s more of a vegetable. There is also a Blackboard app for all of you who have a smart-device. The app allows you to access updates, grades and assignments for all of your classes.
With that being said, realize that spring break didn’t necessarily end last week. If you went away and experienced different cultures, paces of life, scenery or food, then you opened yourself up to new doors in your life. This allows you to come back to your normal routine with a rich cultural perspective that you might not have had before.
Allow these experiences to ripen your conversations and encourage others to do so as well.