It’s that time of the year again, and Fall class registration is just around the corner.
The idea of taking classes with a significant other might sound pretty fun and romantic.
They could serve as a study buddy, lab partner or even a group member.
Some may see it as an opportunity for class to become enjoyable and bearable. But, let’s hold our horses for a second and look past the rainbows and butterflies.
Couples are not always stable, and adding the stress of school to a relationship is problematic, for many reasons.
Students should attend school with the intention to learn, not to bond with their lover or find a shared interest in an art history course.
The point of class is to be present, attentive and retain the material.
That isn’t going to happen when the couple is preoccupied giving each other seductive looks from across the room or rubbing the other’s back.
First off, other students have no desire to see that and second, get a room you nasties! There’s a time and place for this, but the classroom is definitely not on that list.These distractions are guaranteed to result in missed material, causing grades to suffer.
Not to mention they will see a lot more of each other, making the need for space a necessity. But remember, that class has a mandatory attendance policy, so finding time apart will have to be moved to the weekend (which is when couples SHOULD be spending quality time together).
Competitiveness can also become apparent, as well as the different capabilities each person possesses. Some couples thrive on competing, but for others it’s a one-way ticket to Single Station.
As these issues cause the couple’s bond to deteriorate, they’re no longer a team and a break up is on its way.
Congratulations, class will no longer be “enjoyable and bearable,” it will be AWKWARD!
That’s not even the end of it. The two people will dreadingly through class distracted with the concern of their ex being in the same room, or even worse their ex being their lab partner. This doesn’t help with the whole “concentrating on school” thing.
Not everyone has the same experience, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a risk. The situation has trouble and unnecessary drama written all over it.
Taking the same class doesn’t seem worth jeopardizing a romantic relationship, just as spending an extra three hours together isn’t worth failing a class. Be smart and think before enrolling.