You may be trying hard to achieve an exercise routine and make healthy food choices, but this can be pretty tough if you don’t have like-minded friends. Most people who work out by themselves may start strong, but they usually fade away over time.
Finding a fitness partner can be the solution to keeping up with your fitness goals. If you have a good friend who is going through the same thing you are, you can get through the rough patches together and make your lives healthier. Let’s talk about five reasons why you will be more successful at getting in shape when you workout with a friend.
1. Provide motivation. On the days you don’t want to work out, they will get you out the door. On the days they feel like skipping, you will get them to the gym. When you want to give up completely, they will talk you into sticking with your plan.
2. Serve as spotters. While doing the bench press or squats, your partner can help spot you, keeping your workouts safer yet more challenging at the same time.
3. Provide competition. Let’s be honest, as human beings we like to compete with one another. Find a workout partner who is just a little fitter and stronger than you are. By trying to keep up with them, you will challenge yourself in ways that you cannot alone.
4. Increase your exercise routines. There are numerous strength moves you can do with your partner, like crunches with a medicine ball, partner push-ups and leg tosses. These are fun and very effective.
5. Make it more fun. Working out can get boring, running can get dull and sticking with your routine every day can get repetitive. When you have a partner to workout with, they remind you of your goals and make exercises more fun.
Now it comes down to what friend you’re going to choose. Pick whoever you want, as long as they will make you a better person in the gym.
If you can find a friend who has already worked out before, even better! He or she can show you the ropes.