Ah! The beautiful campus of California State University, Stanislaus is being destroyed, desecrated and doo-dooed on by its campus goers … sometimes literally.
Okay, the doo-dooers are just the ducks, dogs and sometimes the boys in the bathroom. I’ll get to that last point later.
The beauty of our campus was one of the strongest reasons as to why I chose to attend this college.
Ignore the fact that I didn’t think I would get into any college and it was either here or California State University, Sacramento.
It is just a shame that some students on this campus are still acting like middle school students.
Here is where the newspaper comes in handy. If you see anyone doing any of the following, or any other litterbug offenses, passive aggressively hand them this article. I applaud you if you do so.
Dear Disrespectful Student/Faculty/Staff/Citizen/and everyone else,
Next time you think of throwing your gum on the concrete or sticking it under a desk, throw it in the round bins that are practically everywhere (I think they’re called trash cans), swallow it or shove it up your a**.
Please people, we’re in college and it’s time to put on your big kid pants and throw away your damn gum.
This one is directed at the boys, because men don’t act this way. I don’t know if it is your childish demeanor, but please refrain from urinating outside of the urinals, on the floor and even on the toilet seat.
I don’t understand the fascination of doing so, but even to guys other people’s bodily fluids/excrements are gross.
To the ladies, I’m not so sure what goes on behind your bathroom walls, but I’ve heard it’s pretty gnarly as well so knock it off.
Let’s face it. If the campus is dirty, it is not because of the Facilities Services, it’s because of the people occupying it!
Facilities does a great job of keeping the campus fresh and looking good, but it is not their job to clean up after the crap (pun intended) left by you.
I am tired of looking at your mess that I sometimes loathingly pick up.
This is a beautiful campus, be proud of it and respect it.
Regretfully yours,
fed up and irritated
Campus culprits condemned
By Clay Hobbs
April 13, 2013
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