Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) and California State University, Stanislaus are hosting the 2013 ASI elections.
The ballots are open for students April 22 and 23 in the Warrior Activities Center from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. A warrior student I.D. is required.
Nominees for Vice President are Marvin A. Hooker and Jerrelle Wilson, nominees for President are Chris Netniss, Marian Salameh, Keith Ramirez and Shanice Jackson.
Each candidate has their own approach to change ranging from Jackson’s “let’s finish what we started” to Hooker’s “get hooked on Hooker.”
ASI and the University Student Union (USU) Executive Board of Directors positions are meant to serve the students of CSU Stanislaus in all matters pertaining to the quality of students’ education.
There is a major question circulating campus as to why Keith Ramirez used cardboard signs instead of the traditional, plastic signs.
“Unlike the other traditional one-time use, costly campaign signs used by fellow candidates, my signs are Eco-friendly and were also free,” Ramirez said.
“ASI has given the candidates a mandatory spending limit of $400 of our own money. I have taken this as a personal challenge to be as efficient as possible, while using the least possible amount of my own money.”
Marvin Hooker is currently on the Board of Activities and running for ASI Vice President. Hooker promotes student issues and ideas by playing “devil’s advocate.”
“[I want] students to know who is representing them in student government, and also get some diversity through different colleges by including the ideas that they have and lastly to make the face of ASI where it needs to be,” Hooker said.
Other candidates were not available for comment at press time. Winners will be announced following elections April 23.