High Intensity Interval Training Workout is a quick and universal routine for any gender or age. Burn those calories!
First of all, go to the gym with a focused mindset, no distractions. Put your headphones on, get in your zone and focus on doing each and every rep in the workout with intensity.
This workout only allows 60-second breaks in between sets. This keeps your heart rate up to burn calories throughout the workout. Remember to stay hydrated!
Start off with an easy five to ten minute run to loosen up. Do a quick stretch and make sure you are ready to go.Sit Ups: 20 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xSquats: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xCable Lateral Pull Downs: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xCable Rows: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xFlat Bench Press: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xShoulder Press: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xSeated or Standing Curls: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xCable Triceps Pull Downs: 10 reps, 60 second breaks. 3xSit Ups: 20 reps, 60 second breaks. 3x
End with 10 bleachers for cardio. Sprint as fast as you can up a bleacher row and walk back down. Do this 10 times with high intensity. Get out and push yourself!