Over the past several weeks I have tried to incorporate more than just a routine or diet plan into student lives. What I aimed to accomplish was to implement a lifestyle, one which you can benefit from and become a better, healthier version of yourself.
What I want to leave my readers with is one last rule before I conclude “What the Health” and that is the “Get over it” rule.
Everyday, people who are trying to get healthy have moments of weakness and absolutely derail themselves for having those weak moments. Then, they allow that one fleeting moment to absolutely undermine any success they’ve had by making additional bad decisions because, “it’s too late at this point.”
If you are working to improve your life, you will hit speed bumps along the way. We are all works in progress, which means that we will all make mistakes.
Do you want to know the right path to progress? Setting priorities, learning from our mistakes and taking action. Not self-sabotage, guilt-trips and getting down on ourselves. So let’s put the “Get over it” rule into action!
Here’s the truth: one bad meal, one missed workout or one day of overeating cannot undo weeks of hard work. It’s physically impossible. However, that one bad meal or one missed workout can mentally undo weeks of hard work if you let it.
It isn’t this mistake that matters, it’s the next one. When you skip one workout, the next workout quickly becomes the most important work out of your life. One missed day becomes two days, which can become a week, which can very easily become a month. So never miss a workout two days in a row. No excuses. You have enough time – make it a priority.
It’s crucial to not let one mistake snowball into a series of failures. We’re all walking down the path of continuous improvement, trying to be better six months from now than we are today. If you are working out four times per week, that’s 208 workouts in a year. So you had a bad week perhaps. You are busy at work, caught a cold, felt blah or whatever.
Skipping four workouts over the course of the long term doesn’t matter at all. Get back in the groove and you’ll be on pace to do 204 out of the 208 workouts possible. That gets you a 98 percent, A+.
As long as you pick yourself up and get back on the path to improvement, those little setbacks are just speed bumps you can get over and learn from! Remember never give up on yourself. Although you are going to have minor setbacks in your life learn from those mistakes and rember the rule, “Get over it.”