I cannot believe that it is already time for me to write my goodbye piece. The last three semesters are filled with hilarious memories, hard work and the making of some of the greatest friends.
Never in my life would I think that I would be working for a newspaper. I switched my major to Communication Studies three years into college…best decision of my life.
I had to take the newspaper class as a requirement for graduation. I remember walking in on the first day, nervous about everyone seeing what I chose to write. I chose to write for sports because I figured it would be easier to write about something that I knew. Little did I know that I would end up being the Sports Editor for my senior year!
Joining the newspaper was what made my college career enjoyable. I met some of the greatest people and we made memories that will last for a lifetime. Working for this newspaper let me build relationships with not only my classmates, but also with my professors who have made such an impact on my life.
Joe Carranza and Dr. Keith Nainby have greatly impacted my life with how invested they are in their students. They take the time to care and give help when it is surely needed and tell us to relax when we are stressed about making a deadline! Plus all of my wonderful co-editors will be missed, and especially our hectic Tuesday nights!
Our paper has greatly improved over the past few years and even won a couple of awards this year. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I was able to be a part of this experience and I know it will continue to improve year after year.
It was through the experience of working at The Signal that I was able to find my passion and figure out what it is I want to do in life. As much as I look forward to graduation and never having to fight to get into classes again, I will miss working for this newspaper. It has been a truly wonderful learning experience.