Along with change comes a loss of what is familiar and a loss of self-identification. A new logo means a new identity.The familiar Warrior head logo used by the Athletics Department of California State University, Stanislaus for years is no longer the department’s primary logo.
The Athletics Department decided to go in a different direction with their logo and changed it to a capital “S” with the word “WARRIORS” going through the middle of it.
The logo change seemed to come out of nowhere, but the Athletics Department thought it was necessary. “Typically, Athletics Departments have their own brands,” CSU Stanislaus’s Athletics Director Michael Matoso said. “All we had was the Warrior head and the Warrior head with Cal State Stanislaus, it doesn’t work really on uniforms.”
Seeing the new logo replace the old on uniforms will be a drastic change.
The Warrior head was used for so long that it became unique to students, which makes getting accustomed to seeing a new logo difficult.
“Getting a new logo was surprising, and I was so used to the Warrior head for years now,” Haily Macedo (junior, Kinesiology) said.
The Warrior head is very popular among students and is seen as a cool logo, not to mention it is our school mascot. “The new logo is boring,” Esther McConnell (junior, Criminal Justice) said. “The Titus head is more interesting.”
Even though the Warrior head has been replaced, it will not disappear. It will be used as a secondary logo for Athletics.
A positive for the new logo change is that it does a good job at representing the university with the letter “S” standing for Stanislaus and our team name “Warriors” being shown, which is nonexistent with the Warrior head logo. These features make the new logo even more unique to CSU Stanislaus and others will know that it belongs to this specific campus.
“Going away for meets, many people would get us mixed up with the Golden State Warriors,” Macedo said. “Now it will be nice to be recognized as our own with this new logo.”
To get the best of both worlds, the new logo should have been mixed with the Warrior head. With the two logos put together, the resulting logo would be creative and cover all of the important aspects of the Athletics Department including school colors, name, campus identification and mascot all in one.
Not seeing the familiar Warrior head as the main logo on all of the sports uniforms will be something different, but give it some time and I’m sure we will all grow to like the new logo.