Some would say laughter is the best medicine. I would have to agree because I felt ridiculously pumped last Friday after K-von had me falling out of my seat with laughter for the entirety of his show. Forget going out and paying big bucks for some mediocre entertainment; next time go see K-von, a class-A comedian, on campus for free.
K-von starred in MTV’s hit show “Disaster Date” and currently does some acting, hosting and stand-up comedy, keeping people entertained all over the world. California State University, Stanislaus was lucky enough to have him perform on campus for the second semester in a row.
It’s hard to feel offended during one of K-von’s comedy shows because he makes fun of everybody, including himself, and preaches that we should all be able to laugh with each other and at ourselves. Life is more fun that way.
K-von loves incorporating his background into his jokes, using his mixed heritage to take on stereotypes of race and sex with one-liners like “once you go Persian there is no other version.”
The crowd roared with laughter throughout the whole show, especially when he interacted with the audience, throwing off-the-cuff jokes at specific attendees.
“I loved how unique the show felt because K-von was able to personalize his jokes according to the members in the audience,” Evan Olmos, a California State University, Stanislaus alumnus, said.
One such instance had K-von pointing out a student and Chartwells employee still in work attire.
After remarking on how Chartwells sounds like a sophisticated steak or fish house, he proceeded to strut around the stage, saying in a snooty, rich man’s voice, “Mmm, meet me down at Chartwells for a fancy feast.”
Not only did the night provide good, quality entertainment, but it also offered popcorn and refreshments for all who came to enjoy the show. A raffle ticket was given to anyone who walked through the door, and at the end of the night three names were pulled from a bowl and received free K-von merchandise.
Overall, the night was a non-stop-laughing success, and every attendee left the building with some top-notch memories and a variety of new jokes up their sleeve.
ASI Comedy Night Review: K-von hurts cheeks again
By Aubree Brenda
October 26, 2013
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