California State University, Stanislaus’s Code Red Entertainment put on the Warrior Pride Extravaganza in the quad Sept. 25. Group organizations in coalition with Code Red Entertainment, set up booths in the campus quad providing students with information, small activities and raffle tickets for prizes.
Together, Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) and University Student Union (USU) have formed a combined committee called Code Red Entertainment which aims to support campus pride.
Students streamed through the quad throughout the day viewing booths and participating in booth activities.
Student organizations handed out Hispanic-related gifts and played Spanish music throughout the day to show support for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MECHA), an organization on campus, held an info booth during Warrior Pride Extravaganza. Members of MECHA provided information about their club to students walking by.
MECHA participates in community service and puts on events for Cesar Chavez Day and Cinco de Mayo. The organization also makes a trip once a year to a Southern American country.
MECHA meets 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays and they welcome new members. For more information about the organization, or to get in contact with them, students can go to
Teatro Los Hijos del Campo (TLHDC) also held a booth at the event. The organization’s name in English translates to Theater in the Hispanic Heritage.
TLHDC is an organization that puts on a hispanic play each semester. Throughout the year, the organization occasionally puts on skits for the community.
Aside from putting on performances, the organization raises money to provide high school and college student scholarships.
TLHDC announces their upcoming events on their Facebook page
Code Red Entertainment booths provided news for upcoming events and gave out names of local businesses and dineries that give student discounts.
They also held short activities to get involved with students. Some games included spinning a wheel to get a prize and matching a selection of spices to their appropriate name to win raffle tickets.
While students walked around tables and booths, ASI Vice President Marvin Hooker came out briefly to give a welcoming speech. Following his speech, Hooker presented a runway show on a mounted stage where students modeled new warrior apparel.
Warrior Pride Extravaganza was organized by CSU Stanislaus student Tamara Corpus, ASI Campus Pride Coordinator.
“I tried to put on this event so we could show our pride and show citizens exactly what campus pride does and within Code Red Entertainment,” Corpus said.
“I’m really focusing on getting all the Greeks together, just all organizations together, so they can show pride and just general students show pride […] we’re really focusing on wearing red on Wednesdays, supporting our athletics and we try to reward them with cookies and the little incentives all based on campus pride.”
Warrior Pride Extravaganza only occurs once per semester.
“I chose this day because I knew there was going to be a lot of things going on in the quad. I tend to have one of these once a semester.” Corpus said.
“[But] my budget doesn’t allow me to do these once a month. It’s a lot to buy all these little things. So I tend to [only] do these once a semester.”
As for upcoming events, Code Red Entertainment announced Greek Night. All students are welcomed to come together and show support for the CSU Stanislaus’s soccer teams.
The campus’s Warrior soccer teams are scheduled to go up against UC San Diego Tritons Oct. 4, in the Warrior Stadium.
Booths and activities will also be featured for students and all attendees.
Check out ASI’s and UCU’s personal web page to keep up with their current and upcoming events going on at CSU Stanislaus.