Sports are embedded in our culture and society. From the early days of beloved baseball heroes going to fight in wars, many have looked up to them. With this admiration came love, faith and for some, heartbreak. Through all the emotions we became fans, not just of teams but the player themselves.
Gradually as time has moved on, sports got getting bigger and bigger with each passing season. Connected with the advancements of technology, we don’t just watch sports, we live sports.
Not only can fans watch their favorite teams, they can play fantasy sports. This added a whole new dimension to fans watching because now they don’t just root for their own team, they cheer for many.
Sports are entertainment, but with advancements in technology and the affects it has had on sports, many fans have forgot that fact.
These are the fans that just don’t get it. Like I said sports are entertainment, but they treat it like it is life. They are willing to fight another teams fan because of their “fanaticism”. Can’t they realize that showing their fandom in that way makes their team shun them away.
Now I am not suggesting that all fans that take sports too seriously fight over them. I am a prime example of a fan that takes sports too seriously but doesn’t fight. If my team loses a big game my whole week is ruined and there are plenty of people that can atest to that. But I would never go fight someone because my team won or lost, that’s idiotic.
Now more than ever you hear on the news about violence at sporting events. While some are unfortunate accidents, some are beatings, senseless and pointless beatings. This includes two accidents in the Bay Area in recent weeks that left one Dodger fan dead and a teenager was given a broken arm, nose and a concussion at a 49ers game. These attacks follow last years beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow in Los Angeles after a Dodger Giants baseball game.
These are just local examples of why going to sporting events can be dangerous. I for one hate going to sporting events and i’ve never met a person that loves sports more than I do. Fans have to realize that sporting events can be dangerous, not from lack of security but the assassin “fans” at each stadium.
Some people need to prove to themselves that they are a fan and the way they go about this is picking fights, which shows how weak they truly are. Those idiots need to realize that they are running sports for everyone else.
I would like to send those idiots that are ruining sports a message,coming straight from my heart. I hope you enjoy your stay in prison for acting like the idiot you truly are.
To the fans that actually get it, be careful when going to sports games, because even though you are going to root for your team, some go to show they are a fan in the stupidest and most dangerous of ways.
Too serious equals too dangerous
By Brandon McGuiness
October 13, 2013
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