As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.
This proves to be true for Blockbusters nationwide, including Turlock’s very own.
Although I’m sure the locals and the movie faithfuls are downhearted about Blockbuster’s farewell, we must recognize that there are better alternatives that are essentially more convenient to you, the consumer.
Blockbuster began shutting down some of its stores as early as 2009, and was acquired by Dish Network Corporation in 2011. The last business day for Turlock’s Blockbuster is Oct. 25.
“We continue to see value in the Blockbuster brand and we will continue to analyze store level profitability and – as we have in the past – close unprofitable stores,” Dish Network spokesperson John Hall said, according to ABC News.
“Some of the approximately 300 stores are reaching the end of their lease, and others are closing based on overall performance.”
It’s inevitable that the population will not reach a consensus on the matter, and sure, Blockbuster will be missed, but we must come to the innate conclusion that technology is improving at a rapid rate, and time never stops.
“I’ve been working here for eight years and received a four day notice we were closing,” Stephanie Duarte, Operations Manager of the Geer Road Blockbuster, said.
“I could definitely see this coming though, sales just haven’t been the same these past couple years.”
Online video streaming, including Netflix, Hulu, Youtube and more, is a major contributing factor for Blockbuster’s decline in sales. The idea of putting a disc into a player is slowly fading away.
No one is taking away your right to watch movies or your favorite soap opera or the thrill of waiting until the last second to avoid a late fee, that I can guarantee you.
These traditions will live on, they will just be approached in a more convenient way.
Once we look past the dismal sorrow of dusting off old Disney DVDs, just like we once did with bulky VHS cassette tapes, our future will be nothing less than promising.
If these are objects of desire you just can’t see yourself living without, then you’re in luck. What comes with a closing door is an open window, and through that window you may find sales on sales on sales.
Turlock Blockbuster’s dwindling days are filled with all DVDs for $7.99 or less. This is an “everything must go” sale, including games, racks, blu-rays and even items in the back. Each Monday, as it nears closer and closer to the final days, prices continue to drop.
If we stuck to tradition and stayed content with our advances, we may very well still be relaying messages through the practice of Morse code or via carrier pigeon.
So pay Turlock’s Blockbuster a final visit, grab some good deals and say your goodbyes. Gone are the days of long lines and frustration; rent your next movie from the comfort of your home.