It’s a month into the semester, and students are just getting the hang of classes and starting to utilize those hour breaks to crack open a book.
Preparing for a first quiz or exam can be overwhelming, but some students have found a way to ease the process.
Quick videos made to boost understanding of subjects from chemistry to communism are all in the free online library of the Khan Academy.
According to its website, the Khan Academy is “a not-for-profit [organization] with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. […] Khan Academy’s materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.”
Apledin Aghassi (senior, Biological Sciences) shared his experience with the tool.
“The method of teaching is very unique and effective,” Aghassi said. “It conveys the subject matter in a simple fashion through informative videos, practice problems and badges to reward you when you have successfully mastered a topic.”
As well as learning through watching videos, the site provides practice problems to help increase understanding. Statistics are also recorded, tracking users’ progress in subjects for future reference.
Aghassi shared his own motivation for using the online tool.
“I use it frequently when I don’t quite understand a concept in science. I have used Khan’s videos in my organic chemistry, biology, physics, calculus and economic courses.”
The Khan Academy provides online access for students like Aghassi who are looking for a boost in understanding.
“I believe a lot of students can benefit from Khan Academy,” Aghassi said.
“It will help them in their studies and enhance their understanding of numerous subjects.”
To supplement your study time, check out Khan Academy’s convenient learning tools at
Free online learning tools for students
By MaryAnn Aydenian
September 18, 2013
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