The renovation project of the Science 1 Building at California State University, Stanislaus is complete and will be in use in the upcoming Spring 2014 semester. The building is designated for math and nursing classes.
The Science 1 Building is located on the south side of campus. It is the center building between Mary Stuart Rogers building, the campus bookstore and Nora and Hashem Naraghi Hall.
The building went under reconstruction in Jan. 3, 2012. The estimated cost of the project was $15,936,000.
The renovation project was taken on by a local construction company, Acme Construction, located in Modesto.
The renovation project was officially completed last month. The Notice of Completion was filed Nov. 15 by the contractor, Acme Construction.
Ron Kettleman, Acme Construction Vice President and Project Manager, gave some insight on the process of the renovation.
“The project was completed as scheduled,” Kettleman said.
“It was a 22 month job. Like any project, particularly a renovation project where you’re having structural upgrades and you’re completely redoing the architectural faces as well as doing structural upgrades to the foundation and the structural walls and the complete site renovation, it just takes time […] It’s not a thing that’s done overnight.”
According to both Kettleman and Melody Maffei, Facility Services Director at CSU Stanislaus, there were no difficulties or delays in the project.
Currently, Science 1 Building is being equipped with furniture and electronics. Maffei listed some items that are being placed in the building at the moment.
“A/V, computer and telephone equipment installations, classroom furnishings, office furnishings and lab equipment are being installed,” Maffei said.
Kettleman discussed some of the work put into the renovation project.
“There was a lot of work done that you’ll never notice to make the building conform with the new, updated code,” Kettleman said.
“There’s the foundation and the structural walls that we put inside. And we created the new lobby, skylights up on the roofing. We installed some solar panels on the complete roof system to provide energy for the building.”
Students, staff and faculty can expect to see new, high quality classroom equipment in the classrooms.
Solar panels also cover the roof of the Science 1 Building, enabling it to produce its own energy.
Aside from the solar panels, Maffei informed me of another way the building will help conserve energy.
“A light well was installed in the rooftop allowing more natural daylight on both floors,” Maffei said.
Kettleman expressed that Acme Construction is satisfied with the project overall.
“We are pleased to be involved in the project, the quality and we pride ourselves with that type of approach and that’s what we do,” Kettleman said.
“We’re a local company and we’ve done several projects there for the university over the years and throughout the area and we were glad to be involved in the project.”