Well, if you’ve logged into your myCSUSTAN account lately, you’ve probably noticed there’s been a big change – for the better, that is.
About two weeks ago, the Office of Communications and Public Affairs launched our university’s redesigned website with a “more modern look and feel” and “improved structure and navigation.”
But did they succeed?
Let’s start off with the “modern look and feel.” The website homepage now features sleek tabs and large photos that cover up almost half of a 13-inch laptop screen.
The goal of the larger photos is to “highlight the natural beauty of the campus,” which is an aspect of our campus that seriously needed some featuring. You have to admit, we are pretty lucky to have such a beautiful campus.
Because of the website’s crisp colors, feature photos and contemporary layout, I’d say the designers accomplished this task. ( I no longer feel like I have arrived at the site from dial-up.)
Next up is the goal of “an improved structure and navigation.”
At the top of the homepage, there are tabs labeled students, parents, faculty/staff, alumni and donors, making it easy for visitors to go directly to information that applies to them.
After clicking on the appropriate tab, I found I had quick access to my student email, Blackboard and even an easy-to-find link on how to get your Warrior Card.
I really appreciate this because I’ve lost mine (twice) and let me tell you, it was a bit more difficult to find this page before.
Under the “students” tab, Warriors are able to easily access whatever they are looking for, whether it is an internship or advising resources.
I’d say this makes “improved structure and navigation” a success.
Although the website is aesthetically pleasing and visitors are able to find what they need in a timely manner, there is one disappointment: Not all of the linked pages are updated to match the university homepage.
For example, if you click on “off-campus postings,” you’ll be taken back to the old website’s homepage.
Now this is most likely something that is still being configured. After all, there are always a few kinks that have to be worked out with the start of something new.
Either way, kudos to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs. The university’s redesigned website succeeds in its presented goals and is starting to showcase the beauty of our university.