KCSS' annual Rocksgiving sure to entertain
We all know the “First Thanksgiving” consisted of pilgrims, Native Americans and a three-day feast; however, some of you might not have been aware of its most important feature: rock ‘n’ roll.
To celebrate this unknown historical detail, local residents are anticipating an exciting night of live music, delicious food and refreshing drinks on Nov. 15. Staff members of KCSS 91.9FM – home of the California State University, Stanislaus radio station – are putting on their fourth annual Rocksgiving concert extravaganza. The event will take place in Turlock from 7–11:59 p.m. at the Grizzly Rock Café, located at 4905 North Golden State Boulevard (off of Taylor Road exit).
Along with the other KCSS concerts, Rocksgiving was organized by the station’s Promotions and Marketing Director, Angelina Moles.
“It’s super exciting because it’s one of our bigger events,” Moles said. “People come out because it’s a chill environment with amazing music, food and drinks.”
There is a $3 asking donation for admission though it is free for all CSU Stanislaus students. Bands start hitting the stage at 7 p.m. and every hour will feature a new act. Mattea Overstreet are going to kick things off, followed by The Old Refrain. SLACK will keep the party going before KDN takes the stage, and Irietide will jam out to conclude the lineup.
This is the fourth year for Rocksgiving, and it has always been a huge success in the past.
“It’s always a good time,” Moles said.
KCSS just celebrated their first annual Trick-or-Beat on Oct. 24, which was a Halloween-themed concert at the Queen Bean Coffee House in Modesto. Established in 1974, KCSS remains a student-run, non-commercial, educational organization. For the valley’s true alternative sound, make sure to tune in to 91.9 FM for your daily dose of music from a wide selection.
You can also stream the broadcasts from KCSS.net if you do not have access to a radio transmitter. Their official website also contains podcasts.
Follow @KCSSOnAir for a live Twitter feed to know what is currently playing on the station, and don’t forget to like the KCSS Turlock’s official Facebook page for all the updates regarding upcoming events.