Fall is a curious time of year. The weather turns from hot to cold, sports seasons end while others begin and the leaves on the trees begin to change colors. These changing colors include vibrant oranges and yellows along with shades of red and brown. However, there is one color that also makes its debut come October: the color pink.
October marks the beginning of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month across the country. The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s signature color is, you guessed it, pink. For people around the world, wearing pink has become a symbol of strength and support for the foundation and their efforts to prevent and hopefully someday cure breast cancer.
One of the many ways of support that make headlines recently has been in the form of athletic apparel. From the NFL to the NCAA and everything in between, athletes from across the sporting world adorn pink apparel to do their part in supporting breast cancer awareness.
We most famously see this expression in the form of pink shoes, cleats, towels, flags, socks, gloves, etc. in various sports, such as football, basketball and baseball. We will now be seeing it on our very own field from our Warrior Athletics.
Our Warriors will be dressing out with far more pink in their uniforms than their standard red and gold. From the volleyball courts to the soccer pitch, the outpouring of support will be present in play and hopefully in the stands.
By Ryan McLaughlin
October 21, 2014
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