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The cast members pose with director Martin Noyes after their first performance of Adventure Theater. (Signal Photo/Morley Brown)
The Stanislaus State Theater department put on the opening show for the long awaited “Adventure Theater” production on February 24. The show ran for four days with each night continuing the story from the night before.
The atmosphere was set with various props in which the actors can climb on to indicate different terrains. Light changes or images appear on the backdrop screen in order to enhance the atmosphere and give the audience an idea of the rules and back story. Offstage members can help by adding different sound effects such as a horseshoe-clopping sound.
As the audience begins to settle in, cast members would call them up to the stage, with their consent, to be part of the show. Audience members roll various dice to indicate a characters’ actions, damage and strength of the actions. They can make suggestions to the story, and or even become characters in the show.
Day one of the show called for a father son duo to participate in one of the first battles of the show which took place on day two. Unfortunately the audience members from day one couldn’t return for the second show, but livestream viewers jumped at the chance to catch the sold out day two show.
Father and son, Abel and Dominic, were livestream viewers who saw an advertisement for the show on Facebook. They watched the livestream on day one and ended up find an opportunity to attend and even participate in day two.
“In the very beginning [of the day one show], there was a father and son participating in the show and they were called the Father and Son Duo of Power. Later on in the show, they said they weren’t coming back tomorrow. We talked to the leader of the show [Martin Noyes] and said we could take on those roles for tomorrow,” explained Abel.
Abel’s son even gained some new experience in the world of Dungeons and Dragons through this live action setting as this was one of his first experiences with the game.
“I want to [play dungeons and dragons] and I know a good bit of it. I’ve never really played a full game. I have a character set up and everything. My favorite part of the experience was definitely the battle and being able to play dungeons and dragons in a live action setting,” Dominic said.
The audience really added to the experience of the show. Their wit, humor and interactions with the cast were the real selling point of the show. Community members who attended the show gave great reviews and even expressed how they would returning again.
“The cast did a great job with their roles and performances. It was really fun and light hearted,” added Abel.
Considering that this was such an uncommon and unique form of theater, it will be interesting to see what the Stanislaus theater department does next.
For more information on Adventure Theater, their journey and upcoming shows visit www.adventuretheaternat20.com.