Natalie Villanueva
As I read the article: Women’s History Month Kicks Off with Women’s Leadership Forum I found myself becoming incredibly fixated on the empowerment behind it all. Hearing women build themselves up, especially in a career, not only is incredibly admirable, but it allows the reader to relate to the struggle of such a tedious process.
I think the author of this article did such a graceful job at telling Dr. Lisa Ordóñez’s story. The article definitely brought her journey justice. I also really liked the selected quotes that were used to tell such a story. Not only did it allow Dr. Lisa’s authenticity to shine, but it made the struggle of her story spotlighted in such a beautiful way.
I latched onto the quote of, “As a leader, another lesson she learned is to never act on the first story you hear, but triangulate with others.” There is so much power in this statement and it allows readers to grow in such an open minded angle.
The quotes that were selected weren’t unnecessary but rather necessary to bring the entirety of this article together.
This kind of material is what we need. Reassurance to silent women that we as a whole are powerful. Women can make an impact. It sincerely warms my heart to see my school publish works such as this.
Jazmine Salgado
I agree with the views on the Women’s Annual Leadership Forum article. I think that the women’s leadership forum is a great way to inspire women with all of the shared stories. The stories could help influence other women to realize important things such as knowing when to accept or ask for help when needed.
I think that it is important for people to share their stories so that we can see things from different perspectives. The stories shared by the women can make a powerful impact on young women and inspire them to be the change they want to see. There may be challenges you face during your journey, but the way you respond to the challenges can shape the person you are now.
I agree that we should be able to be our authentic selves around peers and should not feel the need to hide. We should be lifting each other up and helping one another. I believe that the event is impactful in making and strengthening relationships and shows that women are able to make influential impacts in our community.