The construction crew includes: Mike Bianco, Chad Burdick, Sergio Rodriguez, Glenn Jones, Andrew Wooding, Traci Bergmann, Josh Bristow, Jess Lindo, Mario Gregorio, Bryan Norman, Brandon Zambelli, Omar Martinez, Rene Delgado Moya, Gil Luna, and Juan Esquilin. Not Pictured: Mario Hernandez, Zeke Oropeza, Al Pacheco, Anthony Gregorio, and Chuck Levis. (Photo courtesy of Capital Planning & Facilities Management)
As you walk through the Demergasso-Bava Hall (DBH) courtyard toward the student parking lot, a barrier of wire fencing and green canvas encloses Stanislaus State’s latest construction project. Previously, a series of water fountains and ponds were the main feature in the location, but Capital Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) has developed a new plan for the area. Now, the space is going to be utilized to offer students more outdoor study space.
Julia Reynoso, Associate Vice President of CPFM, explained that the water feature previously installed just wasn’t sustainable. The water feature wasn’t connected with the interconnected water system that the rest of the water features on campus are joined by and there were multiple issues with the pipes. At one point, it even affected the electrical in nearby buildings, Reynoso explained.
When presented with the options of repairing the water feature again or installing a new feature, the team at CPFM went with the latter, designing an outdoor space for students with various seating arrangements that will include benches with solar charging stations.
“The whole project is a sustainability project,” Reynoso, said. “We do as much as we can.”
The sustainability of the project is a major highlight of its design. Having to comply with the California Green Standards, all projects on campus aim to meet this standard and create a functional, environmentally positive space.
Odalis Cortes (senior, Communications Studies) and Alicia Gil (junior, Liberal Studies) expressed their excitement about the project.
“With us having a high tuition, I’m glad to see it put to work,” Cortes said.
As they’ve returned to campus after online classes due to the pandemic, they said the amount of outdoor space is nice to see, but Gil noted that the it is annoying to have so much construction taking place.
As for what else students would like to see, Cortes suggested expanding the Warrior Grill since it can get crowded with students during meal hours. Gil suggested that the bathrooms in the older buildings, such as Science 1 and the Music building, be updated since they are small and outdated.
For future projects, Reynoso hinted about improvement plans for the Child Development Center going out to bid soon.
In the meantime, Stan State’s in-house construction crew will continue working to make the DBH study space a reality.