Jacqueline Davis
The article released on March 18, 2022 , “Stan State Student-Athletes Look to Cash In on Name Image & Likeness” talks about the pros and cons of student athletes being able to make money while they play for their school.
Personally, it is great that college players are able to finally make money off themselves that schools have taken for granted decades too long. The free time that college athletes have between coursework, practice, games, and travel is not enough to be able to get a job.
Athletes have dedicated their time to the school to bring people to games and buy merchandise to be compensated is the least they should be able to do.
The complications that were addressed in the article are 100% valid. Division I athletics in the big conferences can tarnish the greatness of college athletes getting paid. Having the big schools take the top recruits in the class by promising them a certain amount that they will make if they attend the school is a little shady.
What is sad is that football in particular at the big conference schools like the SEC or the ACC to name a few will abuse the NIL and the other sports will suffer with intense regulation that is needed to keep the recruiting fair.
There has always been a need to have heavier regulation on recruiting players! The NFL has salary caps for a reason to keep owners from buying top athletes at millions of dollars.
Matthew Valverde
On the 18th of March 2022, the Stanislaus Signal published an article based on Stan-State NIL guidelines and monetary gain an athlete can pursue. I believe this article is beneficial to athletes and those who are looking to play higher level sports out of highschool. In this article, Stan State Compliance Coordinator Katherine Wood provided her take on the situation, along with a full steem of support for current and future athletes to embrace.
The information provided in this article is highly beneficial for athletes, as the NIL rules are a new way for college athletes to gain a source of income. I strongly believe Eduardo Medina did a wonderful job covering this particular story and showed that Stan-State has a strong support system for their athletes. While most schools have the ability to adopt their own guidelines, Eduardo did a great job showing the guidelines our University upholds.
With a growing interest in these NIL guidelines, the usage of the hyperlinks were beneficial in pointing us to gain more knowledge of the ever so changing rules and guidelines. On behalf of a former high school athlete, and sports enthusiast myself, thankyou for assuring our student athletes are dealt the proper information. The NIL guidelines provide opportunities for students to pay their tuition or means of living accordingly and accommodate the student lifestyle.
Gabriel Balderas
I very strongly agree with The Signal article “Stan State Student-Athletes Look to Cash In on Name, Image & Likeness” by Christopher Correa, Eduardo Medina, and Andre Grice. I believe that student athletes should be able to profit off of their name, image and likeness.
For many student athletes, they are not able to work full-time jobs due to school and their sport. As a former college athlete, I remember first hand the struggles of not being able to work while my sport was in season. And for many athletes, their sports are constantly practicing throughout the whole school year, furthering their ability to have income.
Many Division 1 athletes are even more at a disadvantage. Football and basketball players at Division 1 schools will usually start practicing the day they step foot on campus and right after the season is over will start off-season training. For Division 1 schools, a mass majority of their profits come from sports and those sports are so popular due to the athletes.
When, now NBA star, Zion Williamson was at Duke they were being broadcast on ESPN and other major networks every other game if not more, and all of the popularity was based on fans wanting to see Zion play, yet in his time at Duke he was not able to profit off his name while Duke was able to.