A pencil and highlighter laying in the middle of an open textbook with notes to the right side (Caitlin Cox, Signal Reporter)
Finals are quickly approaching at Stanislaus State, and it’s time to start studying. Professors want students to do the best that they can do on finals, whether finals mean taking tests, writing papers, or sometimes even both.
Students should be prepared to study for finals with good tips, otherwise their study habits may not be the best they could be. Good study habits can help students because they will be able to do better on their finals and get better grades.
Jenni Fisher (senior, Communication Studies and Psychology), a student tutor at the Tutoring and Writing Center, states that time management is something that she has learned throughout her time as a student. She says, “In managing your time well, you not only complete your tasks in a timely manner, but you also hold on to your mental wellness.”
Finals can be difficult for students because they may not know how to study well, and this article will give a few study tips that will very much help students to study more effectively.
Stay motivated.Studying can be difficult, but motivation to study for finals helps students because they will have a desire to get their grades up. It’s always a positive when students are motivated because it shows their professors that they can pass their finals.Motivation can also be provided to students when they go outside and get some fresh air. Fisher says, “Get outside! Enjoy the sun’s natural Vitamin D. Enjoy your surroundings. Grounding ourselves helps us remain focused.”
Get good sleep.Quality sleep is good for any day, but for finals, it’s imperative to sleep well because students need to be responsible about their grades. They should be well-rested to stay focused and to show their professors that they are trying hard to pass their classes.
Eat healthy.Any time someone is being tested on information or writing an essay, they should always eat well before testing. When students do not eat before finals, their focus will not be on their finals.
Have a neat and organized space to study.Organization is key for studying because it helps you stay concentrated on one subject at a time. It will save a lot of time when students are organized, so that they don’t get overwhelmed by all of the stuff they have to do for other finals.
Focus on your studies, but take breaks.When students study, they should be taking breaks to help them refresh their minds. According to an article published by Oxford Learning, the company states, “For every 30 minutes you study, take a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Short study sessions are more effective and help you make the most of your study time.” This will make study time easier.
Review what you have learned.Many students do this already, but reviewing what they have learned in their classes will give them a better chance to pass their finals and it will help them remember what they learn as well.
Focus on understanding and memorizing what you are studying.Understanding the material that students are studying will give them confidence that they will do well on their finals. Memorizing certain aspects of what students are studying will give them a better chance to pass their finals.Fisher recognizes that understanding and memorizing are important tools for studying for finals. She says this about studying for her own finals, “I look over my prior papers. I do a lot of research, reading and reflecting. In the classes with tests, I also do a lot of memorizing.”
Write your own notes.Many students use the notes that their professors provide for them in PowerPoints. While that is fine to do, writing their own notes will show them how they can remember things differently and will help them study in better ways.
Flash cards are always a good study tool.Students use flash cards for a lot of different things in school, but flash cards are especially helpful for finals. They help students prepare for finals because they aid them in remembering information.
Test your knowledge.Before taking a final, make a test on your own and take it to give you a deeper understanding of the material, and it can help you make a study guide to give you an even better chance of passing your finals.
These are just some study tips to help students get their heads geared towards finals, and it will hopefully help students in the future as well. Finals at Stan State start on May 19 and finish May 25. Good luck on your finals!