Graphic by Samantha Tonarelli.
The Nov.15 Academic Senate meeting focused on Cozen O’Connor’s system wide assessment of the CSU Title IX and DHR.
The meeting began with general announcements which included the President’s Commission On Diversity Inclusion accepting nominations for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DEISJ) Awards. The recipients of these awards will also receive a $1600 stipend.
In the University Education Policies committee report Dr. Marcy Chvasta, Chair of University Education Policies Committee (UEPC), shared that a large portion of their meeting was being used to figure out how to push the start date of the 2023 fall semester start date to August 20.
Chvasta followed up with reports she received of online instructors scheduling synchronous meetings and assignment due dates on holidays saying these reports will be addressed this semester. This was followed by adding the UEPC will be diligently working to help determine the best course of action to implement priority registration for students who are parents of minors by fall of 2023.
Next, ASI President Destiny Suarez giving the ASI report. Suarez announced that the Annual Giving Tree is back and will be in the Student Center until Dec. 9. Students, staff and faculty are welcome to take a tag off the tree and fulfill the wishes of local elementary students. The Board of directors approved Daisy Morales as the new board of director for diversity. Suarez ended her reports by noting the success of the ballot drop off this year and said that despite the rain and cold weather, the turnout was better than the previous year.
Senator Dave Colnic gave the CFA report in which he stated that some local issues are still plaguing the campus. He reported that some folks have still not received raises for the 2021 or 2022 years that they may be entitled to. He followed this report by highlighting the work conditions on the Stockton campus for the past couple of weeks with downed boilers, fans improperly functioning, and tech issues.
Colnic also urged those in the meeting and in the community to support the University of California workers on their current strike efforts, as they fight for fairer wages.
He ended his report by speaking about the basic needs funds and how the funds are being used up quicker than they are coming in and signifying that it has been a bad year for students. He urged those involved in the meeting to support as best they could.
CSU Systemwide Title IX & DHR Assessment
CSU Systemwide Title IX & DHR Assessment by Cozen O’Connor is a platform designed to receive feedback on the CSU Title IX and DHR system. The purpose of the platform is to give direct feedback of the system to those in charge and to increase faculty input. Nakano stated that faculty most of the time are the first ones to be notified by students and that there’s limited opportunity for faculty input. This platform allows for all voices to be heard and be involved. Input can be given via the email [email protected] or on the site itself. Anyone who gives feedback will be known by Cozen O’Connor, but anonymous to the CSU.
Nakano encourages anyone with anything to share to go ahead and give their insight to Cozen O’Connor. Nakano went on to say that our campus was in a better position than most campuses because we found out about our assessment ahead of time and were able to get faculty meetings with Cozen O’Connor