Inside the State Theater at the finale of the Modesto 48 Hour Film Competition. (Signal Photo/Sarah Hernandez)
The Modesto 48-hour film competition allowed a gateway for some CSU Stanislaus State students and faculty to participate and produce a short film in this exciting contest!
This competition had people sign-up and create films that were five minutes or less, and had to meet other specific requirements. Stan State students and faculty got to experience first hand what is was like having to spin a wheel to pick a genre, be assigned a line they had to use in their film, use a specifically assigned prop, and submit their completed films that were given only 48 hours to create. The top 16 films premiered at the finale.
Andrew Wong, the director of the 48 Hour Film Competition, got to share information in this video about it. He talks about the journey of this competition and how it is an outlet for filmmakers.
The Stan State news site The Signal was with “Flat Mars productions,” the Stan State team being shadowed, at the State Theater.
Katelyn Hawthorne (Senior, Creative Media) is highlighted in this video for the Stan State team. Hawthorne got to work in this team, and they produced a film together. Hawthorne mentions that their team is proud of what they’ve accomplished and are already thinking of a future project for the next competition, despite having not been one of the top 16 films picked for the finale.
Brian Miske (Senior, Creative Media) is another member of Stan State who is planning on doing a film next year as well.
55 teams competed and entered films in a variety of different genres, in hopes of making it to the premiere at the State Theatre in Modesto. Many of them were Stan State Creative Media majors, working diligently to create and complete a film in just 48 hours!