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All students and faculty may receive lots of free stuff and interact with the campus community at CSU Stanislaus by attending Warrior Wednesdays, which take place every Wednesday from 11 am-1 pm in the quad. Stop by to show some Warrior Spirit and learn about campus resources, clubs, and organizations.
During these events, club, and organization members are at their booths out in the quad and are there to give out freebies to students and staff who are willing to participate.
Two students talked about their experiences of attending Warrior Wednesday and how it has impacted them.
Isabella Ramos (Sophomore, Psychology) talked about how she likes the scheduled time for Warrior Wednesday while attending the event. However, she thinks that it should occur during the morning and afternoon. This way students that can’t go in the morning can have the opportunity to go later on during the day.
Ramos has enjoyed being social with the campus community as well and has said that going to Warrior Wednesday is a great way to spark some friendships and interact with others.
Ramos also ended up joining the Phi Lambda RHO sorority after having gone to a student organization fair during one of the Warrior Wednesday events.
Andrea Portillo (Sophomore, Liberal Studies) joined this sorority as well. Portillo mentions how joining this sorority has allowed them to become more of a social person.
“I feel like it’s just a good way to learn about different clubs and organizations on campus. It just gives you a good opportunity to meet new people” Portillo says.
At the Warrior Wednesday tabling booths, campus resources such as information about the Learning Commons and the WCCC (Warrior Cross Cultural Center) can be found during this time as well.
Maya Jimenez, (Graduate, Math), who is part of the credential program and works for the Learning Commons tabling booth on Warrior Wednesdays, talks about getting to socialize with students at these events.
“The tabling has really made me feel more connected to the students I tutor,” says Jimenez.
Warrior Wednesday is the place for students to show their Warrior Spirit. The clubs and organizations at this school show up to these events to try to encourage students to join them and get involved on campus.
Jimenez shares that she would like for there to be more interactive activities on these Wednesdays. She says there used to be more social interaction between the campus community before the start of COVID-19.
Theo Alvarez, (Junior, Biology) who is part of the WCCC, says that he would like for the school to be lively again. Alvarez recalls his most memorable experience at one of the Warrior Wednesdays, where there were so many people on campus and interacting with one another.
“It just seemed so engaged, never seen the campus so lively before,” he said about the event.
According to Tanner Lewey, the Outreach & Student Engagement Librarian, Warrior Wednesdays are great for finding ways to get involved on campus.
Lewey talks about her own experience in participating in her school’s events, during her time as a college student where she attended Northwest Missouri State University.
“I definitely look back fondly on the things that I did while I was in college and was a part of. Those were the things that made my time really worth it. My classes were great but it was my participation and those other things that helped me get the job that I have now, even, and the friends that I have now,” Lewey said.
Warrior Wednesdays in the quad will continue to be held every Wednesday from 11 am-1 pm, with exceptions due to difficulties with the weather and during holidays and breaks from school.