CSU Student Organizations for Free Association (CSU SOFA) announced their endorsement for a bill proposed by California State Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) called the Student Freedom of Association Act.
CSU SOFA was founded in September 2014 in order to band together concerned individuals and student organizations concerned with protecting their First Amendment right to freedom of association.
The bill was proposed to fight the “Open Membership Policy” requirement of all California State University, University of California and California Community College organizations. The policy requires that membership and leadership positions within recognized student organizations be open for all students, even if those students disagree with the purpose or beliefs of the club. Under Executive Order 1068, “no campus shall recognize any fraternity, sorority, living group, honor society or other student organization that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability.
For example, under the “Open Membership Policy,” Christian organizations cannot require their leaders to be Christian and a Republican club must accept registered democrats.
Nate Honeycutt, CSU SOFA Co-Founder, feels the “Open Membership Policy” is counter productive.
“CSU Administrators are forcing diversity with student organizations at the expense of diversity among student organizations,” Honeycutt said in a press release issued Feb. 27. “This ultimately impairs the intellectual and cultural diversity on campus instead of protecting it.”