Every now and then, a Greek organization decides to host an “All Greek Social” which is basically a time for all fraternities and sororities to come together and get to know one another a little bit better. On Feb. 27, Phi Sigma Sigma hosted one of their own at Teague Park on California State University, Stanislaus.
The social was planned as a tailgate preceding the men’s basketball game where they would all go afterwards.
“It was an amazing turn out! I was so happy with the outcome and with how many people went,” Gabby Peralta (sophomore, Geology) said. “I decided to put this social together once I became social chair.”
Peralta is Phi Sigma Sigma’s social chair for Spring 2015.
“I wanted to make a difference by hosting this social,” Peralta said. “I wanted to promote more campus unity. By having a tailgate, it would make the Greeks come closer together and by going to the basketball game after, we are also including athletics by being a part of their game.”
At the tailgate there was music, food, water pong, softball and dancing. There were about 50 people who arrived and were apart of the activities.
When one is a part of a Greek organization, the point is to be close to their brothers and sisters– to become a family that helps out the community. With more “All Greek Social”s occurring in the future, there’s the potential that the organizations can make a difference in the community when they call come together.
All for One and One for All: All Greek social shows great potential
By Olivia Soto
March 5, 2015
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