Two road improvements have been set in motion, expecting to improve the area on Geer Road between Monte Vista Avenue and Taylor Road as well as on Hawkeye Avenue between Dels Lane and Olive Avenue.
These projects are partially due to a $105,550 grant received on behalf of the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, CalRecycle.
It is expected that the grant money will alleviate a portion of the expenses needed to ensure the safety of sidewalks in the Hawkeye Avenue area.
In addition to the road projects taking place on Geer and Monte Vista, there are already visible improvements underway at the intersection of Christofferson Parkway and Fosberg Road in the form of new stoplights.
Although the new stoplights have already been installed, it is unclear as to when they will be fully functioning.
Turlock resident Elyzabeth Baron has mixed feelings about these road improvements.
“I believe that not every area in Turlock gets the privilege to be able to benefit from these projects,” Baron said. “You don’t see lower income parts of town getting funded for their roads to be fixed.”
According to the CalRecycle website, the Rubberized Pavement Grant Program allows used tires to be put to use once more rather than being retired in a manner that could be potentially harmful to the environment.