It is that time of year again and students have the chance to vote for a whole new student government for the 2015-2016 academic school year.
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) elections are happening April 29 and 30 in the Warrior Activities Center. The voting will be done electronically from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Students must have a picture ID to vote. When done voting students will receive a tumbler for participating.
There are three candidates running for ASI President and two for ASI Vice President. This will bring in a new team of leaders for our student government.
The candidates running for presidency are Joshua Palmer (graduate, Counseling Education), Director for Graduates, Nicole Larson (freshman, Criminal Justice) Director for Athletics, and Caleb Wittstruck (senior, Criminal Justice), Director for Environment.
Candidates running for Vice President are Sandra Loza (junior, Sociology), Director for Student Clubs and Organizations and Cheree Wisniewski (senior, Political Science), Director at Large.
Students can also vote or a new committee of Board of Directors. Currently, there are three candidates for College of Business and College of Science, four candidates for Diversity and five for College of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science.
Students are highly encouraged to vote as the candidates running for ASI will advocate for students whether it is dealing with parking fees, higher education or student success.
Students will also be voting on the Student Recreation Complex cost of living adjustment.