There’s one place you’ll find intimacy enthusiasts this Valentine’s Day: The movie theater. However, whether or not you equate a lusty spark for Mr. Grey is yours to decide. Certainly there are fifty plus ways to spend the holiday this year, but for the sake of entertainment, and the likelihood you and I have already pinned and repined “100 of the most romantic Valentines ideas,” here’s some journalists perspective on the holiday as told by The Signal staff.
The Sweethearts:
“Valentine’s Day for me is much more about universal love,” said The Signal’s Editor in Chief Kate Brown. She has been in a relationship with her boyfriend Jevan for four years, who’s first meet was… cute?
“Officially, we met at the Tracy Bean Festival,” Brown said. “Yeah, you can laugh at that. Afterwards we went shopping for pants. Probably the weirdest meet cute ever.”
Four years into it and Kate says they don’t normally make plans for the holiday, but she’s got independent views on the day of amore.
“I try to use the day to show everyone in my life that they are loved,” Brown said. “I don’t like that there’s a lot of pressure to have the biggest gift with the most romantic date.”
Managing and News Editor Miranda Hamm will be channeling love from a distance this year. Her lover boy Brandon McGuiness, a California State University, Stanislaus alumnus recently moved to Los Angeles to work as a producer and editor for NFL Network, no big deal.
“I do, however, have plans to ship him a Valentine’s day gift in the mail,” Hamm said. Over five years in a relationship means the two have been through the holiday as a couple a few times.
“I mean, it’s definitely an excuse to eat a box of chocolates,” Hamm said.
Amen, sister.
Local lovers Patricia Garcia and William Mestas will be getting away on Saturday. Online Editor for The Signal, Garcia, said her and Mestas met at a themed party she describes as “awkward”– the kind of awkward that led to over three years together.
“I’ve never been the bitter Valentine’s Day person,” Garcia said. “But my boyfriend had a really bad experience with his former girlfriend.”
The two will likely go to Monterey this weekend and spend the day at the aquarium followed by dinner.
“He isn’t bitter about it anymore,” Garcia said.
Ads Manager and staff writer Ryan McLaughlin is winging it, he and girlfriend Katie Copeland have been together nearly three years.
“Not entirely sure what our plans are yet but something involving a trip somewhere for the day and a nice meal at a fancy restaurant,” McLaughlin said.
Ryan agrees that “fancy” insinuates a pretty penny.
“I enjoy it (Valentine’s day) but my wallet does not,” McLaughlin said.
Time to get creative Ryan.
The Singles:
Our staff writer Scott Sikma has made clear his plans will include some sort of alcohol consumption.
“At least I’m saving money this year,” Sikma said.
What about Valentine’s Day in general? To Sikma, “It’s a’ight.”
Someone spending it in company is Production Manager and Culture Editor Noel Daniel.
“I’m having a party with my writer friends. One of them said, ‘my date is my novel this year’ and I guess that’s pretty apt,” Daniel said.
Sure others can bash paper hearts and flowers because they aren’t getting them, but good company needs no special occasion.
“It’s hard for me to find bad things to say about a day dedicated to the celebration of love,” Daniel said.
Regarding anti-Valentine’s Day parties she said, “You’re still celebrating on Valentine’s Day, you don’t necessarily need a Valentine for it.”
Valid point.
For staff writer Pawan Naidu the holiday falling on weekend means finding ways to keep entertained with his friends.
“The concept, setting aside a day for all intimate relationships, is a beautiful thing. But today too many people have these grand expectations, it ruins the holiday,” Naidu said.
Let’s hope expectations wont be too extraordinary amongst friends.
Perhaps you are hopeful and optimistic about potential love. Photographer and staff writer Anthony Johnson agreed Valentine’s Day could be about self love in addition to a time to consider what’s to come.
“You never know if the holiday of love could be the day you find that special somebody. Just remember that though you might not have anybody this year, next year could be an entirely different story,” Johnson said. Change is certain, and a little positivity never hurt nobody.
At last, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the holiday solo. The Signal’s Sports Editor, Natalie Winters identifies with the single life and said her V-day will involve “buying a bottle of wine, cookie dough and watching A Walk to Remember on repeat.”
If Shane West on repeat is wrong, we want nothing to do with right.
For those curious about how E.L. James’s racy novel plays out as a film, staff writer Yari Collado and myself are not above our own curiosity regarding how much is too much for the big screen. What? Someone’s got to be a critic.
Whether you’re cuddled cozily with a special someone this Valentine’s Day or standing at the box office, may your Valentine’s Day be filled with all the red and pink your heart desires, or if you wish it, many, many shades of grey.
Fifty Shades of V-day
By Natalie Hutchison
February 10, 2015

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