photo courtesy of CSU Stanislaus
soccer practice field outside student recreation center
Every semester students can enjoy a variety of sports through the StanRec Intramural Sports Program. The StanRec Intramural Sports Program gives students the opportunity to compete and play with or against their peers in a wide arrangement of sports. These sports vary from individual competitions to team leagues and tournaments.
This fall semester has a new and exciting way to enjoy all your favorite intramural sports. Instead of paying for each individual sport or event, students now only have to pay a fee of $25.00 for a Fall Intramural Sports Pass. This pass is good for the whole semester and allows the buyer to participate in any individual competition, team tournament or team league. You could play on one team or five teams and it would still only cost you the single fee of $25.00. Pay for your pass online at stanrec.csustan.edu
Days and times of league games will be decided at captains meetings. Captains are required to attend theses meetings after they have acquired a full team, and everyone has paid for their Intramural Sports Pass. You can register online at www.imleagues.com
Upcoming Captains Meetings are listed below:
Outdoor Soccer: Sept. 24, at 4:00 PM, Warrior Stadium Press Box
Volleyball: Oct. 8, at 4:00 PM, Warrior Stadium Press Box
Dodgeball: Oct. 29, at 4:00 PM, Warrior Stadium Press Box
Upcoming dates for League registration deadlines are as follows:
Soccer Registration Deadline: Sept. 24, 2015
Volleyball Registration Deadline: Oct. 8, 2015
Dodgeball Registration Deadline: Oct. 29, 2015
Upcoming Tournament Registration Deadlines & Tournament Dates:
Soccer Registration Deadline: Sept. 24, 2015
Pre-season Soccer Tournament: Sept. 25/26, 2015
Volleyball Registration Deadline: Oct. 8, 2015
Pre-season Volleyball Tournament: Oct. 9/10, 2015
Dodgeball Registration Deadline: Oct. 29, 2015
Pre-season Dodgeball Tournament: Oct. 30/31, 2015
Upcoming Individual Competition Deadlines & Tournament Dates:
Soccer Striker Skills Registration Deadline: Sept. 24, 2015
Soccer Striker Skills Tournament: Sept. 25, 2015
Disc Golf Registration Deadline: Oct. 22, 2015
Disc Golf Tournament: Oct. 23/24, 2015
Table Tennis Registration Deadline: Nov. 5, 2015
Table Tennis Tournament: Nov. 6/7, 2015
Intramurals are a great opportunity to become more connected with your peers and university by getting competitive and having some fun. Be sure to register soon and come enjoy the fun first-hand. Any other information you may need about the StanRec Intramural Sports Program can be found by visiting their online website at www.csustan.edu/stan-recreation.