California State University, Stanislaus recognizes some of its prominent teachers with the 2011-2012 Outstanding Professor Awards. On March 19 CSU Stanislaus Provost James T. Strong announced the five recipients of the awards.
The five award winners included Dr. Stephanie Paterson for Outstanding Professor, Dr. David Colnic for Outstanding Community Service Professor, Dr. Bret E. Carroll received Outstanding Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Professor, Dr. Paul O’Brien won the Outstanding Service in Faculty Governance, and Dr. Anne Weisenberg received the Elizabeth Anne B. Papageorge Award.
English Professor, Stephanie Paterson received the award for Outstanding Professor. Passionate for the written word, Paterson makes sure to instill that same passion in her students.
“I’m passionate about my work and I am told that this passion is contagious,” Paterson said.
Paterson’s hands on and encouraging approach helps students succeed in her courses. She even makes a point to write with her students in all of her courses.
“I like a class that feels like a studio environment. I like the sense that we’re all at the workbench together,” Paterson said.
David Colnic, an associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration, received the award for Outstanding Community Service professor– Professor Colnic’s passion for his field and commitment to his students made him an ideal candidate for the award.
Colnic has been involved in a plethora of community service projects throughout the years. He has come to learn that people must come together and take action in order to have a better community.This is a lesson he teaches to his students, requiring a service component in most of his classes.
Colnic encourages students to give back to the community.
“If you haven’t stepped out of the classroom but have practical experience in something and saying I can do this, I can do that, I can make this connection, I can connect what I learn… that immediately sets you higher,” Colnic said.
The Outstanding Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award beneficiary was given to Dr. Bret Carroll, professor of history. Carroll’s research has made great contributions to the study of U.S. history.
“I’m interested in how Americans’ inner lives connect with wider issues…my research focuses on spirituality, gender identities, and family dynamics in the American past,” Carroll said.
With a great love for teaching and research, Carroll tries to makes sure to implement his research studies into the classroom. He has been instrumental in making developments within the history department on campus, such as changing the U.S. women’s history course to U.S. gender studies.
Dr. Paul O’Brien, professor of sociology received the Outstanding in Faculty Governance Award.
Currently O’Brien is involved in various committees with the State-wide Senate, which include the Teaching and Learning Committee as well as the Student Center Committee. Also, O’Brien serves as the representative for the CSU Stanislaus campus for the State-Wide Senate.
The past 19 years, O’Brien has remained dedicated to representing his colleagues at CSU Stanislaus and in return has earned their respect and trust.
“…I believe it is my respect for others and wanting all members of the community to be part of the solutions that we seek and need,” O’Brien said.
Professor Anne Weisenberg, assistant professor of Teacher Education was the recipient of the Elizabeth Anne B. Papageorge Award.
Weisenberg also encourages action from her students by providing them the chance to work with children and gain hands on experience. Weisenberg displays her passion for teaching by keeping her learning environment fun and exciting.