Online, Sonic the Hedgehog fans know well about “The Sonic Cycle,” where fans are given hope that a new Sonic game will bring critical acclaim back to the franchise, only to watch as the developers make familiar mistakes all over again. “Sonic Generations” for the 3DS is the latest attempt by Sega to rectify this slide.
The premise of “Sonic Generations” is to take the player through past Sonic titles from both a classic and modern style of gameplay. Because the 3DS cannot handle the complex graphics found on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, modern stages are played as a side scroller, with the camera switching to a third-person view once in a while.
Most levels are reimagined from their source material, but a couple of the classic stages feel copied directly with some graphical enhancements. The game starts off with Green Hill, an old favorite on the original “Sonic the Hedgehog.” Afterwards, Sonic runs through six additional levels, culminating in Tropical Resort from “Sonic Colors.” There are only two acts though for each level, which makes this a short game, even with seven special stages and four boss gates.
Another complaint is the homing attack, a modern style move. When Sonic jumps, an enemy lights up and Sonic can attack from mid-air. If there’s no enemy, Sonic still lunges forward if jump is pressed twice, leading to unfair deaths. Otherwise, the controls stay straightforward and simple.
As for the 3D effects, they work nicely. Jumping across platforms becomes easier with the effects on. In the special stages, Sonic looks like he’s popping out of the screen. Without the 3D, the graphics remain crisp and clear. It’s a shame this game isn’t longer, but what is there looks good within the 3DS limitations.
The sound effects and music are good as well in the classic stages. However, the remixes found in modern Sonic only speed up the songs aimlessly and without much thought. More time could have been used to keep those songs memorable, even though it’s a minor fault.
There is online play against anyone in the world, which adds replay value, although the level selection is limited to Green Hill, Casino Night, and Mushroom Hill. Perhaps the developers rushed this part. “Sonic Generations” is a unique entry into the franchise, and the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions might offer more, nevertheless the 3DS version with its limited length and other problems falls short of a high quality title.
For more information about “Sonic Generations” visit