Senioritis is something that affects everyone at one point or another. There are, however, ways to identify when you have senioritis. In fact, there are things you can do to alleviate the pains consistent with this phenomena. Many people believe that this horrible affliction will only affect those who are already procrastinators. Unfortunately, those who are not procrastinators are just as susceptible to senioritis as anyone else. The only difference is that it will be easier to spot early onset signs and symptoms. For those students who already suffer from severe procrastination, this “condition” known as senioritis can intensify your desire to procrastinate tenfold and potentially destroy all that you have worked to achieve.
Do not take senioritis lightly. This severe, life altering syndrome can take over your college career. The early signs and symptoms can be many, so keep an eye out for early signs of tardiness, a severe disinterest in anything school related, excessive daydreaming in class, unusual procrastination, the desire to leave lectures early, and just overall disorganization. Do not hesitate to seek help if you notice any of these symptoms setting in, the onset can be very sudden.
Your best allies against senioritis are your fellow classmates. It is important to notice that many people live in a constant state of senioritis; we call them procrastinators. If you are already suffering from senioritis, avoid procrastinators like the plague. Find a classmate not set to graduate and they will be less likely to contract the same issues. Explain the situation and ask them simply to be an accountability partner. This can be as fun as you want it to be. Give them the right to scream at you or slap you around if necessary. Take the time to ask for help; it is important to finish strong.