On Feb. 17, fist pumping and bass bumping was all the hype at Associated Students, Inc.’s (ASI) free Homecoming dance that took place in the Carol Burke Student Lounge.
There was a variety of different styles worn by the guests that night. It ranged from everyday get up to prom style dresses and everything in between. A canned food donation was the only thing that everyone had in common when they entered the dance.
“I think it’s a good thing because a lot of people are hard on cash right now,” said junior Chris Guerra of Kappa Sigma fraternity. “You know how the economy is going. We always have that stereotype of broke college students.”
That wasn’t the only reason why people were constantly flowing in the front door. Many people were going to the Homecoming dance for the obvious reason—to vote for the Homecoming King and Queen.
“We are here to support our Homecoming candidate [Mike Slinsen] from our fraternity and we are here to back him up with all the support we can,” Guerra said.
For the non-fraternity or sorority guests, attendees just came for a good time and good music. Many also went to the dance for the chance of meeting new people.
“It’s my first semester here and one of my goals is to make new friends,” junior Rachel Brown said.
ASI had a photographer at the door taking complimentary pictures against a backdrop, so students had to be sure and watch their step so they didn’t walk into someone’s picture.
“I really enjoy taking pictures and video for events,” freshman Ben Hoover, ASI photographer, said. “This way people can get a picture almost like they are on the red carpet.”
Overall, the event was a great success. There were so many people shoulder to shoulder inside the lounge that many had to walk outside to get some fresh air. Also on display at the end of the night was a teetering tower of canned goods. Dressed up or not, the dance was a hit among students.
“There are a lot of people; I’m excited,” Hillary Zaklan, ASI volunteer, said. “I didn’t think this many people were going to come, to be honest. And they are actually dressed up!”