In the year 2012, the community members of the California State University, Stanislaus, yet again were victims of theft.
Items were stolen from all over campus such as the Main Dining Hall, Bizzini Hall, Demergasso-Bava Hall, Student Recreation Center and the Library.
Items were taken because they were left unattended by their owners. Others were stolen from offices that were left open or unlocked.
The assistant director of Safety and Risk Management, Amy Thomas, sent a mass e-mail to the CSU Stanislaus community warning them about theft on campus and tips to prevent burglary.
According to Thomas, on Jan. 5, items ranging from a purse, digital camera to cell phones and keys were stolen at the Main Dining Hall.
Also, on Jan. 6 cash was stolen from a purse that was located in an unlocked desk drawer at Demergasso-Bava Hall.
“If someone walks by one of the offices, the property can be taken in just a matter of seconds,” said Sergeant Andy Roy (public safety officer).
According to the reports made to the university police and other non-police campus authorities, from 2008 to 2010 the highest crime reported on campus was burglary.
Within these two years, 39 burglaries took place at CSU Stanislaus main campus in Turlock.
“I make sure my valuables are not left unattended or unsecured,” said Sara Davis (communication studies, senior). “I always lock my car and never leave property visible for people to see.”
The person walking next to you might not be holding their own cellphone, purse or wallet.
“We’ve had a lot of cash taken on different sites, it could be a student or a person who lives nearby, we have an open campus,” Roy said. “We just don’t want people to be reluctant to call us.”