In 2011, one rape, 12 burglaries, eight motor vehicle thefts and two arsons occurred on the California State University, Stanislaus campus. There were also 17 liquor law violations, three drug violations and two weapon possessions that resulted in arrest. Another 63 liquor law violations and 24 drug violations consequently lead to referrals resulting in disciplinary action at CSU Stanislaus in 2011.
As a result, the CSU Stanislaus Police Department, also known as the University Police (UP), have taken action with their new “Where’s Waldo?” campaign. The campaign is geared to inform students, faculty and staff on the CSU Stanislaus campus of their public safety, first aid, emergency awareness and of the services available on campus.
This campaign on Wednesday, Sept, 26 and on every Wednesday after that, “Waldo” will be hiding somewhere on campus. The goal is for students, faculty or staff to find Waldo and give him the “secret code.”
To find the secret code, you must visit the UP Facebook page at
For example, Waldo may ask on Facebook, “Where are your valuables in your car?” The answer will be on the Facebook page as, “In the glove compartment,” and then you must find Waldo and tell him the answer. Waldo will then give you a ticket.
Every Wednesday one ticket will be drawn and the winning numbers will be announced on Facebook. If you are the lucky winner you may claim your gift card prize at the UP Station.
Waldo will only be around campus at a specified time, so you must pay close attention to the UP Facebook page to know when to start searching.
“I am the world’s greatest Waldo finder, and I accept this challenge,” said Cullen Vance (senior, Theatre).
With people around campus on the hunt for Waldo, information will be dispersed and students will be able to have a great time.
“This is a great way to get people to be aware of what’s out there, and have fun while educating them of our services,” said Amy Lew-Bigg, Operations Administrator. “You can either sit around in your department or hope that people can get or find the information, or tell everyone about it in a really cool way that relates to them.”
With this interactive way to spread information on campus safety, students will get peer to peer interaction and will relate to the questions being asked during the event.
“We want our students, faculty and staff to know that we are here for them and we want to help educate them so that they can stay safe themselves,” Lew-Bigg said.
Students on campus have never seen this type of disbursement of information so this may be the new proactive way to get students, faculty and staff aware.
“I think this campaign will be an amazing success mostly because it’s a very new approach in passing the information and we hope it will involve many people,” said Cameron Jackson (junior, Psychology and Theater), Marketing Support Assistant said.
This new way of passing information allows you to stay on Facebook, informs you to be aware of what is out there and helps educate you on the services that the UP offers.
“I think activities are a great way to get information out, and I think they’re taking proactive steps to keep the school safe and educated,” Vance said.
Every Wednesday, go around campus and embark on the search to find Waldo, who will be played by Cameron Jackson.
“Try to find me!” Jackson said.
If there are any questions about public safety on campus call the UP office at 209-667-3114. To learn more about the “Where’s Waldo?” Campaign, go onto the University Police on Facebook.
“Where’s Waldo?” campaign informs campus on safety
By Alyssa Eudy
October 2, 2012
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