Halloween is almost here, and if you are anything like me, you have been planning the perfect costume for a few months already. Okay, I realize that most of you don’t jump on the Halloween fast track until a week before or the day of, but maybe this will get your Halloween juices flowing.
Here are my favorite 2012 costumes that may be just right for you.
1. The 1920’s are back. If not for the fact that flapper dresses and 20’s parties are the rave this year, we can’t help but fall in love with this era. Maybe it’s the fact that guys in zoot suits and plastic guns are shockingly hot, or it could be that it is just nice to see a college guy out of his sneakers and t-shirt. Or perhaps partying prohibition style is just fun. Either way, it is definitely number one on my list.
2. Zombies are the IT costume for horror. First of all, you can pretty much make any costume you already have into a zombie for a new twist to your old gear. Ladies, I know most of us want to be sexy on Halloween, but this year zombies are pretty hot. Any girl that goes zombie this Halloween gets mad props from me! Also just a little tip for makeup, go make friends with a Theater majors. They have an entire class on costume makeup. They can give you some tips or maybe they can practice on you for their class.
3. Greek themed costumes have come and gone so many times; well guess what… It’s back. Plus, you can save it for a few years from now and it will be popular again. If you can’t think of any other reason to wear a Greek style costume, you now have a good excuse to throw a toga party.
4. Thanks to this year’s “The Dark Knight Rises” and “The Avengers” we are sure to see a ton of Batman, Bane, Iron man, Catwoman, Captain America, Black widow, Thor, The Hulk, and actually any other type of superhero costume. Well, if you find yourself leaning toward this category, dress up with a group. Nothing is cooler for Halloween then getting a bunch of people together for a group costume. If you find yourself in this awesome situation then enter into a costume contest. What is better than partying AND getting prizes for it?
5. Funny couples costumes are really popular this year. If you find yourself coupled up and want to get some laughs, then try costumes such as an USB port and USB stick, or plug and a light socket. If you are planning on attending a ton of festivities this October, try out the Oktoberfest German girl and guy.
6. If you are planning on doing some serious partying this Halloween, why not dress up in alcohol themed attire?There is the classic “Keg” or “Red Solo Cup” for all of you beer pong players out there. Not a beer drinker? Try out my new personal favorite, the “shot doctor.” All you need to do is dress up like a doctor, fill a bunch of plastic syringes full of hard alcohol and then become the life of the party. This is for the 21 and older crowd, of course.
7. What could be more eye-catching than the firefighter or classic police uniform? Not much really, unless you go S.W.A.T. They have male and female versions of these costumes, and if you want another reason to wear it, the high quality version of the S.W.A.T tactical vest can double for paintball gear.
8. Dressing up in the theme of Mad Men is also a great idea. If walking around with a 1960’s suit, a cigarette and scotch of your choosing doesn’t scream CLASSIC, then I don’t know what does.
9. The “Day of the dead” themed costume is unquestionably all the rage this year. The day of the dead or Día de los Muertos , although separate from Halloween, is an awesome choice since the traditional Día de los Muertos celebrations begin on Nov. 1. If you celebrate both holidays this could be an excellent choice for you.
10. From reality shows such as Jersey shore or Teen Mom to sitcoms like New Girl or The Office, there are countless people or characters to choose from. Glee is one great show to inspire your costumes from. I know there are a bunch of you out there rolling your eyes, but this show and its vastly growing popularity has merited a spot on my top 10. The show has inspired lots of “Gleeks” to run out and get their WMHS cheer outfits and Puck letterman jackets. This would also make an awesome group costume.
It’s really easy to make these costumes funny, but make sure you pay attention to the details because those minute details will make you stand out from the rest.
Whatever you festivities are for Halloween, there is a costume for you. Many people struggle with what to wear, but remember, your costume is a representation of things that you are into, what shows you watch, or what your sense of humor is. So be creative and have some fun!