CSU campuses not acception transfer or freshmen students during Spring 2013
The CSU system will accept limited applications from transfer and freshmen students in the Spring 2013 semester due to ongoing budget cuts.
Ten of the 23 CSU campuses are currently accepting applications from all new students for Spring 2013 and will mostly be students who have earned their Associate Degree for transfer from California community colleges.
“Due to reductions in state funding over the past several years (totaling $750 million), the CSU closed admissions for Spring 2013, except for a limited number of students,” said Ephraim P. Smith, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer for the California State University.
California State University, Stanislaus will not be accepting any new students. Although applications are limited for students at California community colleges, Smith says this is not an effort to favor out-of-state students.
“Campuses that have the capacity in under-enrolled programs to admit new non-resident students may choose to do so,” Smith said. “However, the number of students in this category is very limited.”
Students in our surrounding areas that attend community colleges are frustrated by the restrictions. Ricky Casarez, a student at Modesto Junior College, says he will be affected by the new decision.
“It will delay time for my education,” Casarez said. “I am a single dad with a five-year-old son who depends on me. I have limited resources and the fact that CSU Stanislaus will not be accepting me this spring frustrates me and hurts my family.”
According to Stephanie Thara, Web Communications Specialist of Public Affairs at the CSU Office of the Chancellor, there are currently no decisions being made regarding fall registration. The Board of Trustees will be reviewing budget options and strategies for the system at its September meeting.