Student using his laptop to go on the internet. (Signal Photo/Jesus Valdez)
The National Security Agency (NSA) was hacked and information about their Windows hacking tools were leaked to the public. California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State), students should be aware of the possibility of cyber attacks and how to securely surf the web.
The emergence of cyber attacks are becoming more common because of our dependence of digital technology and having everything online.
According to the Internet Security Threat Report, there have been “429 million total identities exposed in 2015, a 23% increase of the past year, and 528 new mobile vulnerabilities, a 214% increase of the past year.”
Hannah Martin (senior, Liberal Studies) is aware of the possibility that anyone can be hacked.
“My friend had her Facebook hacked and then sent me a text to not open the message,” Martin said. “I don’t think I have been hacked, but I have had my debit card used somewhere else.”
“Keep your firewall turned on, install spyware technology, keep operating system up to date, be careful on what you download, and turn off your computer,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website reports on the tips people should use on being safe on the internet.
Jose Sanchez (junior, Psychology) has few methods that he uses that protects himself from being attacked on the internet by unwarranted parties.
“I use a strong password and two-step verification,” Sanchez said. “Do your research on websites before submitting personal information about yourself.”
Jhovanny Ledezma (freshman, Business) works at the Office of Information Technology and believes that cyber attacks might be a bigger problem in the future.
“(Cyber attacks) are definitely going to increase and passwords are going to be very important,” Ledezma said on the future of cyber attacks and having security on the internet.
However, Ledezma thinks that people should just be aware of what they release on the internet and shouldn’t be too worry about attacks.
“Just be mindful of the things you put and the information you release,” Ledezma said. “It’s not a problem for the general person to be worried about it’s more of a problem for people that run important businesses.”