Students and community members marching for the Community Unity Rally on Stan State's quad on Apr. 26, 2017. (Signal Photo/ Steph Landeros)
Many California State University, Stanislaus (Stan State), students, administrators and Turlock community members gathered at the Free Speech Rock located in the quad for the Community Unity Rally On Wednesday, April 26. This rally came together following the altercations that took place at University of California, Berkley’s Patriots Day Protest.
The person who was turning heads during the protest was white supremacist and Stan State student, Nathan Damigo (junior, Social Science), who was caught on tape punching a female anti-Trump protester in the face.
President Ellen Junn was one of the administrators present at the rally.
“I’m here to support the students because I think this rally is an excellent vehicle to start the educational process and to advocate for diversity and inclusion,” Junn said.
Turlock resident, Jesse Ornelas, was impacted by Damigo’s actions and admitted he did not want his daughter to attend this university.
Tension rose while Noah Spencer (freshman, Physics) was being interviewed by CBS Sacramento. He was stating that, “hate speech is free speech,” to which Ornelas exclaimed, “hate speech comes with a price!”
Noah Spencer being interrupted during a CBS interview (Signal Video/ Steph Landeros)
To conclude the event, there was a march that took place around the quad where students held signs and chanted for the expulsion of Damigo.
Throughout the whole event there were many outliers who stood watching the event from the sidelines.
Jennifer Morales and Jon Gramatico stayed after the rally to schedule future meetings with President Junn to address plans of actions against discrimination on campus.
To learn more about this event and the students behind it, please be sure to listen to the latest “Ask the Reporter” by our own Hilda Flores.