Students gathered after listening to Warrior Wisdom (Signal photo/Abrianna Munoz)
California State University Stanislaus (Stan State), hosts “Warrior Wisdom.” An event held to help students advocate what type of skills and leadership is needed to be a successful college student and life after graduation. This seminar guested 6 prosperous alumni about their personal experience and knowledge for students here at Stan State. These were the speakers:
Adrian Harrell- New Bridge ManagementMayra Pit – City of TurlockAimee Peters-Hendrix Turlock Unified School DistrictJordan Amarant- PMZDaniel Mackenzie- Whyte & Co.Kristina Stamper- Interim Director For Communications and Creative Services
Skills initiated to have to be successful in the workforce
Customer serviceStrong financial backgroundInterpersonal skillsStrategic thinkerEmpathy and understanding of people
“ I work in the education field, and with being a teacher you need to have empathy, perseverance, and learn to not judge one another. Even as a teacher I never stop learning” said Aimee Peters.
“Key attributes are knowing how to influence and knowing your audience. Collaboration, leadership skills, and being a strategic thinker are great skills to acquire,” said Mayra Pit.
Q: The alumni were asked what are some type of activities to help personal growth as a student?
A: “I was involved in a lot of clubs and organizations and I enjoyed the camaraderie it was able to bring. Connecting with peers, being involved, and networking, will improve your future and success. Relationship and personal friendships have grown into professional networking, so it is all about how you can network,” said Kristina Stamper.
A: “I was a single mom while in college, and so I had to really put myself out in the community. I volunteered at any community events in Turlock. I found that by putting yourself out there and make the effort to talk to people, you will be able to make more connections,” said Aimee Peters.
Q: What do you know now that you wish you knew as a student?
A: “Take advantage of being in clubs, you get so much fulfillment out of giving back,” Jordan Amarant said.
A: “Thinking outside the box and looking at things differently. Not to be so narrowly focused because, you cannot necessarily seeing the bigger picture. This helps me approach situations differently. Alos, what you learn inside classrooms in not the only education you learn while being in college,” Adrian Harrell said.
Q: Number one experience that impacted your career?
A: “Take advantage of internship programs, it opened a lot of doors, provided opportunities, and acquire skills you may need to break into your future career,” Mayra pit said.
A: “To not sell yourself short, walking into an interview with an attitude and confidence. I look at what’s inside the brain and seeing if this person is able to grow and take advantage of an investment to take them on,” Daniel MacKenzie said.
Gloria Perez (freshmen, Business Administration) was one of the students in attendance at this event. “I wrote down a lot of quotes, since they are older alumni it was important to hear their advice and their knowledge for us,” Perez said.
Lauren Prio (freshman, Business Adminstration) was enjoying her time there. “This was very interesting, I did not want it to end!” Piro said.