Movies that are to be shown.
Stanflix is a once a month free movie screening hosted the by University Student Union (USU) daily events program offered for students and friends. The next movie screenings will be on October 12th and November 9th at the Carol Bruke Student Lounge.
This semester the last two movie showings will be Get Out for October and Wonder Women for November.
Get Out is an exciting thriller that was just released this year on February 24th. With a 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes. This film transmits just the right amount of horror, thrills, and comedy for a the audience. Jordan Peele, from Comedy Central show Key and Peele, makes his directing debut and promises to not disappoint.
Also, with another excellent review from Rotten Tomatoes at 92%, Wonder Women is the new DC universe film that will be the last movie screening for Stanflix this semester.
“Wonder Woman is a superhero movie, and it fulfills the heroic and mythic demands of that genre, but it’s also an entry in the genre of wisdom literature that shares hard-won insights and long-pondered paradoxes of the past with a sincere intimacy” says Richard Brody (New Yorker).
Students input is what matters the most according to Damaris Graba (senior, Criminal Justice).
“We try to pick our movie screenings based on public and student opinion”, says Graba.
The movie screenings are open to all student, friends, and community member who would like to enjoy this free event. In addition, viewers will be able to enjoy a free complimentary bag of popcorn to get the full cinema experience.
Kianna Briones (sophomore, Environmental Science) suggested more advertising.
“I do wish they would advertise it more but I like that it is open for everyone”, says
Expresses that even though she feels the movie nights were under advertise, Briones says she likes that, “it is more inclusive”.
Studnets such as Mady Wolf (senior, Communication Studies) have never heard about these free movies screenings, but are glad to know about it.
“I’ll probably would go now because that would be something fun to do with friends because it’s free”.
So grab your favorite cozy blanket and come enjoy a free screening for newly released movies.
For more information you can visit the University Student Union (USU desk) or call (209) 667-3833.