Juan Guitron
Dr. Oliverez and Diana Avalos discussing the budget concerns. (Signal Photo/Juan Guitron)
The Associated Students, Inc (ASI) held their weekly meeting that addressed new ASI job descriptions, budget issues and the Identity Evropa Flyers situation.
The ASI meeting included the approval of new revisions of various existing job descriptions. ASI voted in favor of the changes that included the ASI creative assistant and added the duty overseeing the front desk at the new Student Center.
ASI also looked at the revised Student Assistant Classification table. The table showed the new range of salaries of current ASI positions. After some clarification ASI approved the table.
ASI next tackled the University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC) division budget priorities, which featured a numbered list of University programs that required base funding. ASI discussed any concerns the board had, so that Maria Marquez, ASI President and Senior communication major, could take them to the next UBAC meeting.
Diana Avalos, Graduate Director of Students, had issue with the funding for a new Graduate Student Dean being number 9 on the list. Avalos stated, “Our graduate program needs support.”
Avalos added “the University as a whole caters to undergraduates more than graduate students,” and “it’s not fair.” Avalos mentioned that graduate students pay more than undergraduates but have comparably less resources.
Dr. Paz Oliverez, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs, responded “we need to make sure needs are met,” but was unsure that a Dean for the Graduate Program could fix all their problems. Oliverez explained the Dean was mainly there to help the graduate faculty to obtain research grants.
Avalos still asked the ASI president to bring this issue to the next UBAC meeting.
The ASI meeting did mention the problem Identity Evropa that were posted around campus and how the board should handle the Neo- Nazi flyers.
Although ASI has no set plans to deal with the flyers, ASI President Marquez does want to meet with faculty and administrators to gather a “collective idea” on the issue. Marquez also wanted to obtain a student feedback and whether or not they feel safe.
However, Marquez could not yet set a date of when she would meet with faculty and administrators.
ASI Board of Directors meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. in MSR 130C.