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Book Cover Art: Dusty Days and Restless Nights, Photography by Evan Young.
This week marks the launch of Penumbra, 2021 edition. A literary and arts journal facilitated by Stanislaus undergraduate and graduate students. On Saturday, May 15th, featured artists and contributors will join attendees in the unveiling of the journal! Special guests for the event include Nancy Au and David Campos who oversaw submissions for the current issue.
Penumbra serves as an anthology of art and writing works. The journal contains a variety of artistic expressions, like poetry, scripts, sculptures and even photography. Penumbra has been running strong for 2 years now and with this year’s reveal on the rise, there’s room for many more. Due to recent changes in accessibility there’s been some alterations in the way the journal has manifested. One can navigate through some of the 2021 Penumbra featured works through their site.
Take a break in your day to browse and set some time aside this weekend to attend the launch of the newest installment for Penumbra. If you’re curious about previous years and their contents, the Penumbra team has provided archived copies so you won’t miss out on fantastic work. This journal is almost entirely student-fueled and you can enjoy the fruits of impassioned dedication on free form expression like this from the comfort of your own home!
If you’re interested in getting a sneak peek at this year’s edition you can peruse some of the highlighted works of art on their main website. The site offers a few profiles on the artists too, so you can see the faces behind some of the creations. You can also find Penumbra 2020 and 2019 through these links. Don’t forget to RSVP or get a seat via Zoom here, you wouldn’t want to miss this and wait for a whole year to see the next one!